Saturday, 17 February 2007

Pulsing Xenia added - 9th February

Its now the start of February, My new Pulsing Xenia takes pride of place and immeadiatly looks stunning. It is full of colonies of slightly diffent colours of pulsing Xenia. Everything is doing really well. The Chromis (Colin) and the Clown Fish (Peter) were now joined by the new 'star' of the tank 'Benny the Blenny'
The brown algae bloom outbreak has now well and truly gone and some amazing things have happened. My cleaner shrimp has shed his skin, 2 of the hermit crabs have hijacked some spare (bigger) shells and many critters come out to play at night! The corraline algae continues to spred and the water parameters remain very stable (much to my delight) Biggest change to happen though is with me!! I want a bigger marine tank!!

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