Saturday, 17 February 2007

Colours Galore!

My cleaner shrimp hovers above my newly added feather duster worm (added towards the end of January) I purchased some liquid coral food at the same time to feed my mushrooms and my polyps which I had also purchased by now.
The corraline algae was starting to appear elswhere in the otherwise 'sparkly' tank. I cannot wait until this is growing on the back wall of the tank to help soften the black 'new' look.
I bought the bulk of my live rock at the first purchase of it at the end of December 2006. It had a nice covering of corraline algae on most of it at that stage, but it has spread even more since then as you can see above.
I must have looked a bit daft as I took advise and put it into action when purchasing the rock, as I stood by the rock tank picking out the pieces I liked and 'sniffing' them until I was satisfied I smelt a fresh sea smell!!
I was to buy no more large pieces of live rock, indeed the only pieces added aftyer the initial bulk purchase were what my corals were attached to.

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