Saturday, 24 February 2007

Meet Molly

After a hard day at work, my 'other' little girl greet me with some affection.
This is Molly, my 13 year old Yorkie. She fell very ill last year and had to have major surgery, at one stage she was touch and go! But thankfully she made a full recovery and there to greet me every day on my return from work.
She will sit with me (usually perched on my shoulder!) for hours watching my tanks.................................This is one spoilt pet!!
I will try to get a pic of her perched on my shoulder, in what my daughter calls 'the parrot position'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely site do you still have your marine tank? I had to give mine up due to the cost of the salt and the time it took up. I do miss it though.