Saturday, 17 February 2007


One of my first members of my clean up crew added Mid January. One of 3 blue legged hermit crabs, who together with 3 turbo snails and a cleaner shrimp, made my initial team.
Water results had stabalised well by now as the tank had been running approx 4 weeks. Ammonia was 0, Nitrate was 0 and Nitrite was below 20ppm. Temp was well stable at a constant 78 degrees and SG was well established at 1.024. Ph was 8.2.
They settled in quickly and soon I was to add some more inverts in the form of corals to keep them company.
I continued to check the water parameters every 3 days and I decided that as long as there was no alteration from the aformentioned results then I would continue to build my tank. I had a picture in my head of how I wanted the finished article to look....but that was a long way off!

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